Kelly Nunn » Posts


Do You think Pets should be included in counting our family members? Here's the main points of our debate today!
"Yes, because they live in the house!"
"Yes, because we take care of them!"
"No because they're not people!"
"No because they don't eat with us!"
"No because they can't talk!" 
To Be Continued!...

Welcome back!

With the bitter cold weather behind us (hopefully!), and a gentle start after 16 no school days; we are ready to get back to business! 
We are continuing with our family study, but so far we only have half our our family collages back! If you have not completed yours yet, please send it back this week! This is an amazing way to get our students talking about what they enjoy doing most with their family. 
For example, one student yesterday shared that she liked to watch motives with her family. We learned that most of our families love to watch movies! Here are a few details...
1) We like snacks with our movies! 
2) We like the "Frosty" movie, "Planes Fire & Rescue", and "Frozen".
3) Even though we all have a different family, we sometimes like doing similar things! 
We NEED to keep this important conversation going! Please return your collage soon! 

Today the talk of Families was buzzing in our classroom! One of the things we'd like to investigate further is...each other's families! We are starting to realize that some of our families are the same, and some of our families are different...which will all lead to us creating our own definition of a family! So, please PLEASE send me an electronic (or printed) version of a family picture if you have one.  If you do not, you could draw one on your collage! 
Also, if you have not finished your collage please take some time to finish it up and send it back! We'd LOVE to add your family's story to our discussions! The most beautiful part of this study is that it teaches us to appreciate and treasure all of the different things that make a family a family! 
We've been so busy in preschool this week! With Thanksgiving right around the corner, our discussions have started to turn towards families. One of my favorite books to read in Preschool is the story of "The 3 Bears". As we've read through it a few times, we've began thinking about this story and its parts. After making a big list of our favorite parts, we organized our thoughts by making a web! We've identified the characters, the setting, the problems and other things that we wonder about this story! 
As you are spending some time together over Thanksgiving Break, please take some time to finish the family collages that we sent home in your child's backpack. We are so excited to take what we are learning about the 3 Bears' family, and start learning about our own families! 

Thank You!

I wanted to take a moment to say a huge "THANK YOU" to all of you who were able to make it out for conferences last week! I really appreciate the opportunity to talk with you, and share little bits of preschool with you! If you were not able to make it to your conference, I will be contacting you this week! 
Looking ahead at the is going to be COLD!! Please make sure that your little one has their winter coat, and hat, and mittens! 


A New…Furry…Classmate!

This year, we have a new addition to our school! Her name is Carmel, and she is a 14 month old golden retriever. Carmel is a trained therapy dog, and she lives with my family and I! My husband and I are both licensed as her trainers. Carmel will be visiting us school on Fridays. She will be helping in many classrooms throughout the elementary! When she is at school, she will be wearing a vest. The vest tells her, as well as the people around her, that she is working. Similar to the students, she has a job to do! She is wonderful with children, and is well trained. If you have any questions or concerns; please give me a call or send me an email!


What did you do at school today?

I’m sure that I’m not the only one to ask this question! Here are some of the things we are doing…

  • Using our words! This is one of the most important skills we address in preschool. We learn that using our words to express our wants and needs is the most appropriate way to get what we need.  Language is one of the best ways to promote early literacy skills at the preschool level!
  • Playing! (Or at least that’s what they think…) We have been learning about how to play appropriately in each of our centers. This includes, where to find the things we want, how to use them, and then how to put them back so other friends can enjoy them too! And, all while they are, ‘playing’!
  • Learning our names! Our names are VERY important to us! We have already started to practice writing them, and using them when we are talking to our friends and teachers.
  • Being Kind and Safe! Those are our only 2 rules in preschool! We will be talking a lot about what being kind and safe looks like and sounds like. And, we’ve already started discussing how to keep our bodies safe from boogers!! 

2nd- First Week of School

I hope you've all enjoyed the long weekend! After 4 days away, I always feel like this is the 2nd First Week of School! We are off to a great start this year! I'm so amazed at how quickly we have settled into understanding our classroom rules and routines! It is going to be a GREAT year!

Here are some quick reminders and upcoming events for the month of September! 

Thursday, September 4th- Heights and Weights Screening

Friday, September 12th- Picture Day! 

Tuesday, September 16th- Lions Club Vision Screening

Friday, September 19th- NO PRESCHOOL