


December 7, 2023

Day A


GSA:  The GSA meeting will be held today after school in the DISTRICT BOARD ROOM.  Please note location change for this meeting only.


FCA Large Group Huddle: Tuesday, Dec. 12 @ 7:30 AM in the atrium. 


FCA Christmas Party - Wednesday, Dec. 13 @ 6:30 PM at Lighthouse Assembly of God.



NHS Christmas Party and Meeting December 14th in the old library at 7:30am.  Bring supplies to make cards for the nursing homes in Panora and a treat to share.  There will be a special guest who is bringing special treats.


SENIORS please get your senior spotlight filled out ASAP and send in your senior pictures and baby pictures to Mrs. Gafkjen ASAP. Thank you!


2023-2024 Yearbooks are on sale now and can be ordered through the Josten's website: www.jostensyearbooks.com. The price is currently $55/book and will go up on February 10th to $60. 


NHS PJ Drive and Bake Sale December 19th at the home basketball game.  Come dressed in your PJs and bring PJs for 3C's.  The PJ sizes needed the most are girls size 2,3,8,10,12,14-16 and boys sizes 10, 12, 14-16. PJs can be dropped off in the office at the high school December 11-19th.



Chicken Nuggets


