

November 11, 2021

Day A


Students please remember your first class starts at 8:20, please get to class on time.  After two late arrivals to school you will be given a detention. 


DETENTIONS - All detentions will need to be served after school at the detention hall.  Detention hall is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20-3:50. If we have an early out, there will not be detention hall on those days. 


Please remember to bring your donated food items for the build a Thanksgiving Box for Advisory.  All items are due by November 19th.  Thanks for supporting this good cause!


JUNIORS – If you were not able to make it to the meeting this morning, please see Mr. Bauch.


SENIORS please turn in senior photos and baby pictures in jpg or jpeg format by December 31, 2021. If you have not filled out your senior spotlight, please do so ASAP. Thank you! 


Any JUNIORS planning to graduate early, email request to Mrs. Gafkjen for senior spotlight questions. Also please send a baby picture and senior photo in jpg or jpeg format. Thanks!


HIGH SCHOOL BOY’S BASKETBALL – There will be an informational parent meeting at 7 p.m., today, in. the cafeteria. 


SPORTS PICTURES -  The following students owe for their sports pictures:  Mary Fett and Austin Wagner.  Checks can be made out to Ketelsen Photography. 


SENIORS....The following students have CPR class this week.  Class will be in the green screen room.  Please come a little early so we can start on time.  Remember this is required for graduation!!

  • Friday , from 8:00-10:00- Reaghan Kinney, Kevin Cogil, Nile Lindstrom, Kaleb Maier, Avery Norman, and Abbi Holloway
  • Friday, from 10:30-12:30-  Kyle McClatchey, Gavin McCullough, Mollie Monthei, Joseph Nelson, Cash Malloy, and Dylan Ford.

Panorama GSA’s next meeting will be today right after school at 1:30 p.m.  Reminder this is an early out.  Snacks and drinks provided.  Meeting will be in the district board room.



"HS students interested in taking DMACC (college) spring courses (Term 3 & 4), please visit with Mr. Webner this week to complete the required DMACC registrations for online courses, and courses at other campus (Perry or Guthrie Center - see listings of college course opportunities in email sent October 18 through gmail and Infinite Campus.



Chicken Nuggets


Cheesy Potato Soup

Ham Sandwich