Mr. Dorhout's students, in the last week, collected prairie seed for about 1.5 hours.

In the last week I’ve had both my seventh grade and eighth grade students collecting prairie seed for about 1.5 hours. We have been talking quite a bit about creating a legacy prairie, and what it means to build a community of plants. In addition to the seeds in the video, we’ve already dispersed about 15 full grocery bags of Indiangrass, Big Bluestem, and Little Bluestem.
The kids have done a super job with this part of the project. Additionally, we are going into seed dispersal, and looking at the different types of seeds that are out there and how they move if we don’t move them.
Thanks go to Steve Roe and Mike Delaney from the The Panora Conservation Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America for providing expertise, seed, and encouragement. 
The drone footage was recorded by various 7th and 8th graders.