Rachel Downing » Snack Policy

Snack Policy

I will allow students to have HEALTHY snacks at their desks.  It is not something they have to do, but if you choose to send something with them, it is OK.  This is a privilege, and certain guidelines must be followed in order for this privilege to continue.

  1. Snacks must be brought in a SNACK SIZE ziplock baggie, and should not require refrigeration or heating.
  2. Eating cannot interfere with learning.  NO SHARING with others.  Please avoid strong-smelling (garlic, onion, etc.) or noisy food that may bother others.
  3. Snacks must be HEALTHY and clean.  Students must be responsible about keeping desks and classroom clean.  Food does not leave our classroom.
  4. Students may bring a reusable water bottle or use the water fountain the room for drinks.  Sorry, no drink additives allowed.

If these guidelines are not followed, the privilege will be taken away from individuals or the class.

These will make good snacks:

-granola bars

-dry cereal


-dried fruits

-snack mix or trail mix


-fruit snacks

These will NOT make good snacks:

-fresh fruits





-things that color fingers

-sticky things